The APPG on Fisheries’ Expert Panel comprises a cross-section of the fisheries sector and related areas, including representatives from the under-12m fleet, the over-12m fleet, the supply chain, environmental and welfare NGOs, and government/policy.
Our Expert Panel was established in 2022, and its membership is renewed every two years to ensure a turnover of different areas of expertise, perspectives, and backgrounds. We are now putting out a call for applications for new members to join from January 2025 until January 2027.
The responsibilities of Expert Panel members are to:
Provide expert input into the key strategic priorities of the APPG on Fisheries.
Give feedback on the proposed annual cycle of events to ensure that they cover the key issues and debates within the sector.
Make suggestions for speakers and partner events to ensure the APPG on Fisheries continues to reflect the broad diversity of interests within the sector.
Contribute to any Inquiries or Reports prepared and published by the APPG.
Introduce questions or topics for Parliamentary Members to consider raising within Parliament.
For further details, the Terms of Reference can be found below.
We welcome applications to sit on the Panel. To express your interest, please send the Secretariat no more than 150 words on your (or your organisation's) background, why you are interested, and what you would bring to the Panel.
Please send your application, or any queries you may have, to by 23 December, 2024
Terms of Reference for the Expert Panel of the
All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Fisheries
Scope of Expert Panel remit
1.The Expert Panel of the APPG on Fisheries is responsible for providing expert input into the APPG’s activities, in order to ensure that the APPG remains an authoritative source of sector-relevant information and is responsive to the key issues and debates within the fisheries sector.
2. The remit of the Expert Panel covers the APPG on Fisheries, which is an informal group of Members of the House of Commons and House of Lords with a common interest in this issue. The APPG is not an official group of either House or its Committees.
3. The Expert Panel has an advisory role that sits alongside the formal governance structures of the APPG on Fisheries that operate in line with Rules on APPGs as published by UK Parliament.
Expert Panel membership and composition
4. The Expert Panel is made up of twelve to sixteen members who provide ongoing input to the APPG’s activities.
5. The composition of the Expert Panel will ensure a diverse and experienced range of voices from across the fisheries sector. This will include representatives from the under-12m fleet, the over-12m fleet, the supply chain, environmental and welfare NGOs, and government/policy.
6. Through these appointments, the APPG on Fisheries will aim to ensure that Expert Panel Members are drawn from across industry, academia and the not-for-profit sectors. Considerations of diversity, such as within gender and age, will also be undertaken during the selection process.
7. Individual members of the Expert Panel are appointed through a clear and transparent process on the basis of their relevant skills and expertise. The Secretariat will publish a call for proposals for inclusion, alongside reaching out to key people and those suggested by APPG Parliamentary Members. Through the recruitment process, the APPG on Fisheries endeavours to ensure a diverse range of perspectives and backgrounds are represented.
8. Expert Panel members serve a term of two years, after which the prospect of renewal will be reviewed. The Secretariat reserves the right to seek replacement Panel members after this period. This is to ensure a rotation of expertise and representation on the panel.
9. With prior approval, a single seat can rotate between two individuals of the same organisation within a two-year term.
10. The APPG on Fisheries Secretariat or a representative of The Fishmongers’ Company will act as Chair for most meetings. If meetings are held in Parliament, the Secretariat will seek a Parliamentary Member to Chair that session.
11. Expert Panel members will receive no remuneration in relation to their role, and will adhere to the APPG’s expectations and procedures with regards to submission of expenses, gifts and hospitality, and conflicts of interest.
Role and responsibilities of the Expert Panel
12. Expert Panel members work collectively to support the APPG on Fisheries’ overarching goal of our founding MPs and Peers to promote and support the UK fishing industry, whilst exploring key questions for the future of fishing, processing, coastal communities, and the marine environment.
13. Expert Panel members must always act in the best interests of the APPG.
14. The main responsibilities of Expert Panel members are as follows:
Provide expert input into the key strategic priorities of the APPG on Fisheries.
Give feedback on the proposed annual cycle of events to ensure that they cover the key issues and debates within the sector.
Make suggestions for speakers and partner events to ensure the APPG on Fisheries continues to reflect the broad diversity of interests within the sector.
Contribute to any Inquiries or Reports prepared and published by the APPG.
Introduce questions or topics for Parliamentary Members to consider raising within Parliament.
15. Expert Panel members have no explicit decision-making capacity over the actions of the APPG or the APPG Secretariat. The role is strictly advisory and all input will be carefully considered by the Secretariat and APPG Members.
16. Expert Panel members remain able to contribute to the APPG in other ways, such as presenting at events or exploring funding opportunities.
Expert Panel Meetings
17. Expert Panel meetings will be held at least twice a year, with the entire panel meeting at least once. Ad hoc meetings in specific subjects will also be held. There may also be an opportunity for the Expert Panel to engage with Parliamentary Members during the APPG's AGM.
18. General meetings will go ahead only if a minimum of six Expert Panel members are present. The quorum for meetings on specific subjects will be decided on an ad hoc basis.
19. Meetings will be held in person, using video conference technology, or through a combination of the two.
20. Expert Panel meetings will be minuted by the Secretariat and key points and actions will be published on the website for the APPG on Fisheries.
21. The names of Expert Panel members will be published on the APPG website if there is approval from the Expert Panel. If there is no approval, the names will not be published but will be provided when requested by members of the public or interested parties.
APPG on Fisheries Code of Conduct
22. The APPG on Fisheries is committed to transparency and neutrality in the delivery of our work. We follow the Rules on All-Party Parliamentary Groups and publish information about our Group on the Register of APPGs including our Income and Expenditure statement, and Minutes and Policy Briefs arising from our formal meetings.
23. Our APPG represents a range of perspectives and under no circumstance will we support, endorse, campaign on behalf of or lobby for one organisation.
24. Recognising that the UK’s fishing fleet is geographically and operationally diverse, the APPG on Fisheries does not promote one industry segment, sector or geography over another, or spotlight the challenges of one segment of the fleet to the detriment of another.
25. The APPG is committed to encouraging discussion, debate and learning around key questions for the future of the fishing industry, processing sector, coastal communities and the marine environment, in a manner that is constructive and respectful.
26. The Terms of Reference will be updated every three years. The last date for renewal was 5 December 2024. The next date for renewal is 5 December 2026.