The Expert Panel is responsible for providing expert input into the APPG’s activities, in order to ensure that the APPG remains an authoritative source of sector-relevant information and is responsive to the key issues and debates within the fisheries sector. The Expert Panel has an advisory role that sits alongside the formal governance structures of the APPG on Fisheries that operate in line with Rules on APPGs as published by UK Parliament.
Expert Panel members work collectively to support the APPG on Fisheries’ overarching goal of our founding MPs and Peers to promote and support the UK fishing industry, whilst exploring key questions for the future of fishing, processing, coastal communities, and the marine environment. Expert Panel members have no explicit decision-making capacity over the actions of the APPG or the APPG Secretariat. The role is strictly advisory and all input will be carefully considered by the Secretariat and APPG Members.
Eleanor adamson
Dr Eleanor Adamson is a Fisheries Programme Manager for The Fishmongers’ Company and its Fisheries Charitable Trust, which funds the APPG Secretariat. She works to deliver programmes and grant funding across fisheries, seafood and conservation sectors. With a background in academia, she has expertise in science and research, conservation, aquaculture, and education. Eleanor chairs the Expert Panel, leading meetings and collaborating with the Secretariat on setting agendas and strategic points for discussion.
Dr Rob Blyth-Skyrme is an independent fisheries consultant, part-time commercial inshore fisherman, and Technical Lead for the North Atlantic Pelagic Advocacy Group (NAPA), the collective of retailers and seafood supply-chain businesses working to improve management of North East Atlantic pelagic fisheries. With a PhD on interactions between static and mobile gear fisheries off South Devon, Rob has previously worked as a the Deputy Chief Fisheries Officer at Eastern Sea Fisheries Joint Committee, as senior advisor to Government at Natural England, and has undertaken MSC assessments of a wide range of fisheries, globally.
andrew Brown
Andrew Brown is Director of Sustainability and Public Affairs at Macduff Shellfish. With more than two decades’ experience working on Scottish fisheries policy, he has an in-depth knowledge of Scottish, UK and EU fisheries regulations and legislative processes. Particularly involved in shellfish, he chairs the Shellfish Association of Great Britain (SAGB) Processors Committee, the Scottish White Fish Producers Association (SWFPA) Scallop Committee and the Scottish Fishermen's Federation (SFF) Non-Quota Species Working Group. He also chairs the Scottish Seafood Association (SSA), and is a member of the NFFO Board.
George clark
George Clark is the Programme Director for UK and Ireland for the Marine Stewardship Council. He has over a decade of experience working in the fish and seafood sector, as well as the wider food sector and sustainability space. With experience in supply-chain sustainability, corporate social responsibility, food policy, fisheries science and environmental management, he works to support fishing communities in the UK, and around the world, helping them gain recognition for their sustainability through the MSC certification programme.
Robert clark
With over 25 years’ experience working on fisheries in England, Robert Clark is the Chief Officer of the Association of Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Authorities (IFCAs). He has previously worked for the United Nations as a Fisheries Inspector Mentor and was the Chief Officer of Southern IFCA. With strong community links and extensive experience working with the inshore sector, he led the transformation of the Poole Harbour Clam and Cockle fishery from one of the poorest performing fisheries in England to a multiple award-winning MSC certified fishery.
Jack Clarke
Jack Clarke leads the seafood programme at the Marine Conservation Society, and within that role works with retailers and food service businesses to improve their supply chains. An award-winning innovator with a strong track record of building a more sustainable and equitable future for blue foods, he founded Catchbox, the first Community Supported Fishery in Europe, and SoleShare, a fishbox scheme connecting catches directly to consumers. Over the past year has focused his efforts on bringing blue foods into wider food systems debates.
michael cohen
Michael Cohen is the Chief Executive for the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO), the trade association representing commercial fishers in England and Wales. With members across every class of vessel and gear type, the NFFO includes within its membership both inshore and offshore vessels. With a background working in the legal and science industries and a wealth of practical experience in the fishing industry, Michael is well known in the fishing industry as former Deputy Chief Executive of the NFFO and former Chief Executive of the Holderness Fishing Industry Group.
Dr Sarah coulthard
Dr Sarah Coulthard is a marine social scientist at Newcastle University. She has more than 25 years’ experience working with fishing communities across the UK and internationally. Working at the interface of science and policy, her research focuses on resilience and wellbeing to understand marine system change and implications for coastal communities. Her recent work in UK fisheries has included social impact assessments of fisheries policy, co-design of fisheries management, and addressing the decline in the fishing fleet and its impact on coastal communities.
Simon dwyer
Simon Dwyer is CEO of the newly formed UK Seafood Federation Ltd (UKSF). Involving some of the largest businesses in the sector, UKSF is a membership organisation focused on the seafood processing and trading sector supplying retail and food service. Based in Grimsby and as well as having UKSF as a client, Simon also manages the Grimsby Fish Merchants Association and represents the interest of the UK & Ireland of the North Atlantic Seafood Forum, Bergen. He is recognised by the Intrafish publication as a global top 100 seafood executive and influencer.
marc evans
Marc Evans is the Chief Executive of the Fishermen’s Mission, which is a maritime welfare charity dedicated solely to the welfare and well-being of the UK’s fishing community. Helping all fishermen, the Fishermen’s Mission provides emergency support alongside practical, financial, spiritual and emotional care. Marc has a wealth of experience across the wider maritime and maritime charity sectors, and of providing expert input at all levels of government, and across multiple departments.
Hannah Fennell is the Head of Orkney Fisheries Association, which represents fishers, processors, and wholesalers, and includes creelers, scallop divers, dredgers, and whitefish vessels among their members. Bringing a wealth of knowledge and expertise in the fishing sector across multiple fleet segments, Hannah is also President of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) and chair of UK Women in Fisheries, and is currently pursuing a PhD with Heriot-Watt University on the environmental impact of static fishing gear.
elspeth macdonald
Elspeth Macdonald is the CEO of the Scottish Fishermen’s Federation (SFF) which has wide membership across inshore and offshore fleet sectors. Through SFF’s work and engagement with Scottish and UK Parliaments, she is well-informed about wider strategic issues as well as the challenges and opportunities that different fleet sectors face. Previously, Elspeth worked for Food Standards Scotland as Deputy Chief Executive and prior to that job role, she worked for the Food Standards Agency.
HArry owen
Harry Owen is Head of Fisheries and Innovation at the Western Fish Producers’ Organisation (WFPO) and Chair of the Finfish Industry Advisory Group. The WFPO represents 31 inshore and offshore fishing vessels using a variety of gear types and targeting a range of species. Within his role with the PO Harry works to drive positive changes to fisheries with innovative projects such as the Sumwing beam trawl geared at improving selectivity and reducing seabed impacts and fuel consumption. He has previously co-authored papers on fleet decarbonisation, crew welfare, fisheries governance, spatial squeeze, and MPAs.
dr bryce stewart
Dr Bryce Stewart is a Senior Research Fellow at the Marine Biological Association and Associate Professor at the University of Plymouth. With over 30 years of experience and working with a wide range of stakeholders, his research focuses on balancing the needs of fisheries and marine conservation. He has published widely on these topics, specialising in fisheries management and MPAs, and regularly provides advice to UK government agencies such as Defra and Marine Scotland, and has been called to provide oral evidence to the European Commission, House of Lords, the UK Parliament, the Welsh Assembly and the Scottish Parliament.
From a Cornish fishing family, Paul Trebilcock is Managing Director of W Stevenson & Sons Ltd in Newlyn and Head of Fisheries Sustainability for Ocean Fish Group Ltd. Involved in the industry since he was born, he was formerly Chief executive of the Cornish Fish Producers Organisation (CFPO) for 20 years, has chaired the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) and has been a member of the NFFO’s Executive Committee for over two decades. This personal and professional experience means he has a deep understanding of quay-side realities as well as the political complexities of the fisheries management and the entire fish industry in the UK.
Elaine whyte
Elaine Whyte is the Executive Secretary of the Clyde Fishermen’s Association, CEO of Clyde Fishermen’s Trust and National Coordinator of Communities Inshore Fisheries Alliance (CIFA). Formed in December 2026, CIFA comprises several well-established fishing associations, representing almost 400 inshore vessels operating a variety of static, line and mobile gear around the Scottish coast. Working to develop a sustainable and vibrant coastal inshore fishing fleet, CIFA works across several sectoral areas, including science and socio-economics, and engages with both the UK and Scottish Governments on behalf of their members.