Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries stakeholder newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
Use the links below to rapidly navigate around the newsletter.
In partnership with Seafish and the MMO, Defra is running workshops across England to prepare seafood traders and processors for the UK's departure from the EU. Practical sessions will cover catch certificates, Export Health Certificates, food labelling requirements, customs procedures and EU workers.
Careers on Land and at Sea Policy Brief Published
The APPG Secretariat has released a policy brief covering its second public meeting of 2019, Careers on Land and at Sea. The brief covers the challenges to recruitment into seafood careers and solutions proposed by the meeting's diverse attendees, in particular the role of collaboration in making the sector more appealing to young people.
UK Fishing Fleet Economy Remains Robust
Seafish's latest Economics of the UK Fishing Fleet report has indicated a second year of £1 billion turnover, although profits have fallen slightly. The 4% dip in operating profit is likely due to increased cost of fuel, problematic weather and an uncertain political landscape. Data collection for 2019 is well underway.
A National Conversation Around Quota: Part 2
The APPG Secretariat's latest blog post explores how social, environmental and economic criteria can potentially be met through different methods of allocating fishing opportunities. Defra's public consultation on the issue, which aims to collect stakeholder viewpoints ahead of Brexit, closes next week.
UK Parliamentary Committees consist of a small number of MPs and/or Peers appointed to deal with particular issues. There are several Committee inquiries and reports relevant to the fisheries industry.
Sustainable Development Goals Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee held a one-off evidence session concerning the UK's Voluntary National Review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 14 concerns our marine environment.
Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill Inquiry
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launched a short inquiry on the proposed scope, provisions and powers in the Fisheries Bill. Their report is available and is awaiting government response.
Sustainable Seas Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee launched an inquiry examining how to protect marine life and how the Government can create a more sustainable blue economy. Their report is available and has received government response.
EU Landing Obligation Inquiry
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee's inquiry concluded that the UK is 'unprepared for new fisheries conservation rules.' The government has responded to that report and the Sub-Committee's follow up report was published in July.
No-Deal Preparations: Energy and Environment
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee is examining the UK’s preparation for a no-deal Brexit, including consideration of potential impact on fishing rights. Oral evidence gathering has concluded and ministerial correspondence is ongoing.
A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
Industry Leaders Meet to Discuss Cutting Fishing Effort for North Sea Cod
In light of ICES advice to cut North Sea cod catch by two-thirds, UK industry leaders have met with their Danish and Norwegian counterparts to discuss ways forward.
NFFO Encourages Fishing Industry to Sign up to Landmark Conference
The National Federation of Fishermen's Organisations is urging fishermen to attend the upcoming Future Of Our Inshore Fisheries conference in October.
Jersey's Fishing Fleet Calls for Share in Emerging Bluefin Tuna Market
Following two years of reports of large shoals of bluefin tuna in Jersey waters, likely due to climate change, the island's fishermen are calling for a share of the quota.
Sanctions Suggested Against Greenland and Iceland in Ongoing Mackerel Dispute
Chris Davies MEP, Chair of the European Parliament’s Fisheries Committee, has suggested sanctions following the countries' rejection of ICES catch advice.
Sustainable Fishing at the Heart of EU Fishing Profits, says European Commissioner
Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, Maritime Affairs and Fisheries, says that sustainable fishing is behind the fleet's 2017 performance.
Industry Marketing Toolkit Released One Month Ahead of Seafood Week
The national Seafood Week 2019 campaign, organised by Seafish, will run from 4-11 October. Businesses are invited to get involved and promote lesser-known species.
Seafood Festivals Due to Launch Across Scotland
Seafood Scotland is supporting a wide range of festivals through sampling activities and cooking demonstrations, as part of the Scottish Food and Drink Fortnight 2019.
UK's Biggest Seagrass Restoration Scheme to Take Place in West Wales
The Seagrass Ocean Rescue project aims to restore 20,000 square metres of seagrass, which provides a nursery habitat for many commercial species.
Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat
Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott, Jacob Ashton and Rebecca Kaye
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