Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries stakeholder newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament News

Fisheries Bill Dropped by Prorogued Parliament

Along with eleven other bills making their way through Parliament, the Fisheries Bill has been lost as a result of prorogation. The bills can be reintroduced when Parliament resumes on 14 October, but all progress and scrutiny efforts must begin again from scratch.
The Landing Obligation Explained

The APPG Secretariat's latest blog post examines the Landing Obligation and its impact since coming into force early this year. A House of Lords report in February raised questions about implementation, and a recent follow-up report has critically assessed the first six months.
Plymouth to hold UK's First National Marine Park

The planned Plymouth Sound National Marine Park will be the first of its kind in the UK, once key local, regional and national partners all pledge their support. The park aims to showcase the area's diverse marine life, boost tourism and research, and ultimately lead the UK in ocean protection.

Track the Progress of the Fisheries Bill

The Bill failed to complete passage through Parliament before the end of the session, and will therefore make no further progress. The Bill may be reintroduced and begin its passage anew when Parliament resumes on 14 October. Read our digest of the Bill on the APPG blog.


UK Parliamentary Committees consist of a small number of MPs and/or Peers appointed to deal with particular issues. There are several Committee inquiries and reports relevant to the fisheries industry.

Select committee inquiries continue during prorogation, though no committee may meet until Parliament resumes.

Sustainable Development Goals Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee held a one-off evidence session concerning the UK's Voluntary National Review of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). SDG 14 concerns our marine environment.

Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill Inquiry
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee launched a short inquiry on the proposed scope, provisions and powers in the Fisheries Bill. Their report is available and is awaiting government response.

Sustainable Seas Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee launched an inquiry examining how to protect marine life and how the Government can create a more sustainable blue economy. Their report is available and has received government response.

EU Landing Obligation Inquiry
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee's inquiry concluded that the UK is 'unprepared for new fisheries conservation rules.' The government has responded to that report and the Sub-Committee's follow-up report was published in July. 

No-Deal Preparations: Energy and Environment
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee is examining the UK’s preparation for a no-deal Brexit, including consideration of potential impact on fishing rights. Oral evidence gathering has concluded and ministerial correspondence is ongoing. 

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

Boris Johnson's Vision for a National Fishing Strategy Met with Mixed Opinions
The PM's support of the strategy proposed by the Scottish Fishermen's Federation was welcomed by Scottish fishing leaders, but criticised by the EU Fisheries Chair.

CFPO Hosts First Ever Industry-Led Youth Board in Newlyn
The Cornish Fish Producers' Organisation initiative aims to provide a fresh perspective on the challenges and potential solutions facing the fishing industry.

Industry Voices Concerns over the Power of VMS Evidence in Prosecution Cases
Vessel monitoring systems are a legal requirement for over-12m vessels, but fishermen argue that the data gathered are not sufficient to identify illegal activity.

MSC Audit Process is Flawed, According to Pelagic Associations
The loss of MSC certification from key mackerel stock has been challenged by the Mackerel Industry Northern Sustainability Alliance, who say the stock is healthy.

Fishermen Have a Key Role to Play in Science Research, says SPFA Scientist
Dr Steven Mackinson, Chief Scientific Officer at the Scottish Pelagic Fishermen's Association, says that collaboration is essential for assessing fish populations.

SFF Calls for Quota Uplift to Meet Ambitious Growth Targets
The Scottish Fishermen's Federation has announced hopes for the fishing industry to be the fastest growing sector of the Scottish economy over the next decade.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott, Jacob Ashton and Rebecca Kaye
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