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Parliament and Government News | Fisheries News 
Our Next Event: Aquaculture in the UK

For our next event we are partnering with Seafish's Seafood 2040 to explore aquaculture in the UK. We will be covering a range of topics, including the future of the sector, the barriers and opportunities it faces, and how it can work with government and policy. The event will take place online on Tuesday 26 October. 
Sign up here

Parliament and Government News

Government Announces Four New Rounds of FaSS Funding

The Marine Management Organisation has released four new rounds of funding within the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS), focusing on trade of live bivalve molluscs, marine environmental protection, science and tech advancements, and recreational sea fishing.
MMO Invites Tracking Device Suppliers to Submit Products for I-VMS

Inshore Vessel Monitoring Systems take a step closer to becoming compulsory for under-12m vessels, as the MMO invites tracking device suppliers to submit their technologies for assessment. The 'type-approval' process looks to identify a range of products for fishermen to choose from.
UK Introduces Shark Fin Trade Ban in a Legislative World First

The UK will ban the import and export of detached shark fins and products containing them, in a world-leading move to protect endangered species. It is hoped the new measures will aid shark conservation efforts.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.
Financial Capability Webinar Looks to Help Build a Safety Net for Fishermen
The webinar will take place on 7 October at 2pm, and has been designed to equip the fishing community with information to help fishers through financial challenges.

UK Fisheries Minister Visits Norway to Build Cooperation in Fisheries Management
Victoria Prentis MP met with her Norwegian counterpart and industry members, as the two independent coastal states look to secure a closer trading partnership.

Whelk Management Group (WMG) Survey Closes Today, 3 September
The 15-minute online survey is an opportunity for fishermen to contribute to whelk research, looking specifically for information on local variations in whelk catches.

Skippers Urged to Download and Use the Free Kingfisher Bulletin App
The app provides alerts for hazards at sea and offshore activities. Along with its associated website, the app aims to improve the safety of fishing in UK waters.

MCA Issue Urgent Safety Bulletin on Regular Lifting Equipment Inspections
The safety bulletin has been issued to remind all vessel owners and employers of the requirement for lifting equipment inspections, following a number of accidents.

Exploring Seafarer Welfare Initiatives at London International Shipping Week
The findings of a landmark study of maritime worker health, led by Seafarers Hospital Society and Yale University, will be revealed at LISW later this month.

New Study Suggests Protecting Large Female Fish May Boost Fisheries Productivity
With implications for fisheries management, results indicate that larger females tend to produce more eggs and their young may have a higher chance of survival. 

Examining Crawfish Movement Along UK Coast Via Acoustic Tagging and Tracking
Researchers from Plymouth University are working with Isles of Scilly IFCA, local fishermen and dive teams to investigate crawfish movement and behaviour.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Jacob Ashton & Katrina Ryan
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