Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament News | Fisheries News | Hansard Monitoring

Parliament News

Seafood Processors Surveyed on Impacts of Covid-19

Seafish is surveying UK seafood processors to explore the impacts of the pandemic on the sector. Early feedback shows that smaller processors have been hit particularly hard, although some have benefited from being able to quickly adapt to changes, a route often not possible for larger businesses.
Funding for Scottish Fishers to Access Safety Training

Scottish fishermen can access new funding for training courses, so they can hone their safety skills and receive qualifications to advance their career. This includes introductory courses for new entrants. Administered by Seafish, the fund is provided by the Scottish Government, the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Trinity House.

Marine and Coastal Areas Linked To Wellbeing

A new review led by Defra and UKRI suggests that exposure to coastal environments is beneficial for human health and wellbeing. It emphasises the need for marine conservation to maintain and build upon this, as more biodiverse areas were associated with greater benefits.

New Fisheries Bill Progresses Through Commons

The Fisheries Bill entered the House of Commons on 1 July. The second reading, when MPs will debate the main principles of the Bill, is scheduled for 1 September. The Secretariat's digest of initial significant changes since 2019 is accessible here.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

MMO Publishes UK Sea Fisheries Statistics for June
The ad hoc release provides information on quantity and value of landings made by UK fishing vessels, and discusses the impacts of Covid-19 on the sector.

Shellfish Industry Advisory Group Sees Significant Progress
Despite the effects of Covid-19 on the industry, the Group hopes to be the first to develop a fisheries management plan as introduced in the proposed Fisheries Bill.

Recreational Sea Anglers Give Views on Fisheries Management
New research finds that recreational sea anglers' top priorities include environmental improvements and greater balance between recreational and commercial fisheries.

NFFO States Opinion on Lords Amendments to Fisheries Bill
The NFFO say that short-term environmental factors are over-prioritised relative to social and economic factors, and that proposed management measures are too rigid.

UK Seafood Innovation Fund Announces Completion of Feasibility Studies
The 11 feasibility studies tested the practicality of innovative proposals. The government fund invests in ideas to support the future of the UK seafood sector.

Fathom Podcast to Continue to Receive Funding from Seafarers UK
Through discussions on pertinent topics, the podcast has helped inform fishermen on important issues such as wellbeing, safety, and legislative updates.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.

Question | Defra | 29 Jul | Use of Plastics in Fishing Nets and Lines

Question | Defra | 29 Jul | Climate Change and Depletion of Fish Stocks

Question | Defence | 28 Jul | Fishing Vessel Avoidance for Submarines
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Jacob Ashton, Katrina Ryan and Rebecca Kaye
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