Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament News | Fisheries News
The APPG is currently collating ideas for future events, which we will put forward to our Parliamentarian members.
Do get in touch if you have an idea for a future topic.

Parliament News

Resource Round-Up For Fisheries Industry

The APPG Secretariat has compiled a list of resources that can offer support for the fisheries industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes links for financial support, industry updates and guidance on selling to the public. The page will be updated as more information becomes available.
Seafish Updates for Seafood Businesses

Seafish are regularly updating the seafood industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. They have advice on selling and promoting produce in a changing market, as well as a series of informative vlogs on responsive action, changes to regulations and other avenues of support.
Government Announces Fund for UK Fishing

The Environment Secretary and the Chief Secretary to the Treasure have announced a £10 million fund for England's fishing and aquaculture sectors. £9 million will be in the form of grants, while the remaining £1 million will go towards helping fishermen sell their catch to local communities.
Northern Ireland Announces Fishing Support Package

Northern Ireland’s Fisheries Minister has announced a £1.5M support package for the NI fishing industry in light of the COVID-19 situation. Registered active vessels are able to apply for monthly payments to cover fixed costs, conditional on vessel size. 
Wales Announces Grant for Fishing Vessels

The Welsh Government has announced a new grant to support fishing businesses with Welsh-licensed vessels during the COVID-19 pandemic. The grant aims to help cover costs associated with vessel ownership and will be calculated by the size of vessel.

New Fisheries Bill Progressing Through Lords

The House of Lords finished close analysis of the Fisheries Bill on 11 March. The Bill will now move on to the report stage, at a date to be announced. The Secretariat's digest of initial significant changes since 2019 is accessible here.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

Grants Available to Support Fishermen and Seafood Businesses
The Fishmongers' Company and Seafarers UK have launched the COVID-19 Rapid Response Grant Programme to provide financial aid for the industry.

EFRA Select Committee Calls for Public Opinion on Access to Food
The House of Commons committee has launched an online survey to gather people's experiences on access to food. The closing date is 28 April.

APPG Seafood Marketing and Certification Event Brief Available
The APPG Secretariat's policy brief from last year's event, covering sustainable criteria and the role of consumer preferences, is freely available online.

Guidance for Selling Seafood Directly to Consumers Released
Seafish and Mindfully Wired Communications have put together guidance for fishermen to sell their produce, alongside template promotional materials.

Fluctuating Demand for Scottish Whitefish Leads to Restrictions
In the face of volatile consumer demand, restrictions on landings have been put in place for the Scottish fishing fleet with the aim of keeping it economically viable.

Seafish Issuing Critical Worker Certificates to Fishing Industry
Seafish has begun issuing certificates to vessel owners, skippers and fishermen, with the aim of easing their travel under social distancing measures.

Acoustic Seal Deterrent Trials Could Increase Fish Catches
The MMO has published the results of trials undertaken in an inshore gill net fishery. Despite technical challenges, devices were found to significantly increase catches.

Project Aims to Co-Design Measures for Low-Impact Fishing
The CCRI is heading up a project that aims to co-design new definitions of low-impact fishing. Workshops involve fishermen, academics and policymakers.

UK Plankton Population Dramatically Different From Sixty Years Ago
A report suggests drastic changes to the UK’s plankton population in recent decades is likely mainly due to climate change, and may affect commercial fisheries.

Novel Fish Trap Presents New Method For Harvesting Whitefish
With a new design pioneered by Fisheries Innovation Scotland, could be a solution to sustainably harvesting fish in areas where trawling is unfeasible.
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott and Jacob Ashton
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