Welcome to the APPG on Fisheries stakeholder newsletter. Through regular updates, we aim to keep you informed of policy developments, Parliamentary announcements and sector headlines. We also provide round-ups of current Committee inquiries and fisheries-focused monitoring of the Parliamentary record, Hansard.
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Parliament News | Fisheries News | Hansard Monitoring | Committees

Parliament News

Fishermen Urged to Remove Gear from Non-UK Waters

In the run-up to Brexit, fishermen with static gear in non-UK waters are advised to recover it before 31 October. Leaving or retrieving gear in EU waters after Brexit will be a breach of the new licences issued to vessel owners. The right to transit through EU waters will remain, but gear must be lashed or stowed when doing so.
Updated Guidance on Export Health Certificates

The MMO and Defra have updated their guidance on Export Health Certificates (EHCs) for UK vessels landing within the EU, in the case of a no-deal Brexit. EHCs will be required for any vessel landing frozen or processed fish directly into the EU, but are not required for most vessels landing fresh fish.
Call for Evidence on Stronger Protection of UK Waters

Defra are calling for evidence as part of an independent review of Highly Protected Marine Areas in UK waters. Communities, industry and other marine stakeholders are asked for their views on stronger measures to safeguard marine ecosystems. Submissions will be accepted until early November.

Track the Progress of the Fisheries Bill

Given that the prorogation of Parliament was deemed unlawful by the Supreme Court, the Fisheries Bill will resume its progress through the House of Commons, picking up at Report stage, at a date to be announced. Read our digest of the Bill on the APPG blog.

Fisheries News

A round-up of the latest UK-relevant fishing news from a variety of sources.

ICES Assessment Suggests North East Atlantic Mackerel Stocks in Good Shape
Following the latest report that stocks are at high levels, Total Allowable Catch could rise by 20% next year and there are hopes that MSC certification may be reinstated.

Welsh Fisheries Minister Concerned Over Impact of Brexit on Welsh Fishing Industry
Lesley Griffiths has voiced her concerns that a no-deal Brexit could be damaging for the Welsh fisheries sector, particularly the shellfish and processing industries.

Future of Our Inshore Fisheries Conference Deemed a Success
Strong attendance and engagement has raised hopes that the results of the conference could improve sustainability for both the environment and coastal communities.

Sales of MSC Certified Seafood Reach One Million Tonnes Per Year
The continued growth in both demand for and supply of sustainable seafood around the world is cause for optimism, says the Marine Stewardship Council.

Next Steps For Establishing Plymouth Sound National Marine Park Discussed
Representatives from business, science, local government and conservation met to discuss how to make the UK's first proposed National Marine Park a reality.

International Forum on Climate Change and Fisheries Scheduled
ClimeFish and the FAO will host the event, scheduled for 25-26 February 2020 in Rome. The forum plans to showcase climate change adaptation strategies.

Hansard Monitoring

Hansard is the official record of debates, votes and ministerial statements in Parliament. Our newsletters gather together any debates or questions concerning fisheries that have recently taken place.


UK Parliamentary Committees consist of a small number of MPs and/or Peers appointed to deal with particular issues. There are several Committee inquiries and reports relevant to the fisheries industry.

UK Progress on the Sustainable Development Goals Inquiry
In July, the International Development Committee published its latest Report of Session on the UK's progress on Sustainable Development Goals: The Voluntary National Review. The government responded in September.

Scrutiny of the Fisheries Bill Inquiry
The Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Committee examined the proposed scope, provisions and powers in the Fisheries Bill (which is currently progressing through Parliament). Their report is available and is awaiting government response.

Sustainable Seas Inquiry
The Environmental Audit Committee launched an inquiry examining how to protect marine life and how the government can create a more sustainable blue economy. Their report is available and has received government response.

EU Landing Obligation Inquiry
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee's inquiry concluded that the UK is 'unprepared for new fisheries conservation rules.' The government responded to that report and the Sub-Committee's follow-up report was published in July. 

No-Deal Preparations: Energy and Environment
The EU Energy and Environment Sub-Committee is examining the UK’s preparation for a no-deal Brexit, including consideration of potential impact on fishing rights. Oral evidence gathering has concluded and ministerial correspondence is ongoing. 
For more information, contact the APPG on Fisheries Secretariat

Katrina Ryan, Sara Mynott, Jacob Ashton and Rebecca Kaye
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